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29 Kasım 2014 Cumartesi

News from newyorktimes (past-present tenses)

23 Kasım 2014 Pazar


I want to introduce myself to you :) My name is Nezaket Gündoğdu and I am eighteen years old. I am from Düzce. I also graduated from Düzce anatolian teacher training high school. I will talk about what  I did in the past and what I am doing nowadays..

  • I was born in Düzce on 26 June 1996. I am still living in Düzce, but I am staying in Ankara because of the university.

  • I like going to the cinema. My favorite film is Schindler's list and my favorite actor is Johnny Depp. I watched Pirates of the Caribbeans series many times.

  • I like spending time with my friends at the weekends. Last year we were 8 people in the class due to being few people we were all close friends. We had ups and downs, but I have my best friends thanks to the high school times.

  • I like painting due to my visual arts teacher :) We made a lot of works with her such as clothes design, oil-pint and reproduction.

  • One of the my dream is make a world tour with balloon in the future. Travelling every corner of the world can be very amazing.


  • I like playing volleyball and I was in the school team at the high school. We lost the final match and this photo from that match.

20 Kasım 2014 Perşembe

Determine if the verbs in the following sentences are transitive or transitive. If transitive, indicate the object of the verb.
  1. The birdcage swung from a golden chain. (intransitive)
  2. Margaret angrily crumpled her letter in her fist. (transitive)
  3. Someone answered that question. (intransitive)
  4. He shuddered with fright during the scary part of the movie. (intransitive)
  5. The rats chewed their way into the old house. (transitive)
  6. Acorns drop from the trees every fall. (intransitive)
  7. Charlie combed his hair nervously before the dance. (transitive)
  8. We bought paper napkins for the picnic. (transitive)
  9. Zelda smiled at the thought of a parade in the snow. (intransitive)
  10. Fish and potatoes sizzled in the pan. (intransitive)
What objects are missing?
  1. You wash the dishes and I'll dry them.
  2. Are you ready to order a pizza?
  3. Do you drink milk at nights?
  4. Who scored the fifth point?
  5. It's your turn to deal with the child.
  6. I'll weed the grass and you can water it.
Exercises On Parallelism
  1. What great shape she's in, and how healthy she looks.
  2. The doctor wanted to find out why Linda was underweight and what her blood sugar level was.
  3. Following a regular program of exercise is more beneficial for me than being on a fad diet.
  4. What I like best about my fitness center are the modern Lifecycle machines and a beautiful Olympic size swimming pool.
  5. Not only is Jim healthy, bu also he is athletic.
  6. Due to his son's persistence and his wish to lose 10 pounds, Frank decided to join a fitness center.
  7. When Richard realized that his eating habits were the cause of his illness, he began to plan his meals more conscientiously and carefully.
  8. Julian decided to try a homeopathic treatment as well as changing his diet.
  9. Shari really enoys ocean kayaking and going hiking in the desert.
  10. This is a combination of vitamins that builds up the immune system and prevents infection from spreading.

Exercise 26-)
  1. Benjamin Franklin was an importnt political figure during the period of the American Revolution. He was a man of many other talents as well.
  2. He lived in Boston as a young man; there he learnedthe printing trade.
  3. Franklin published an almanac. He also experimented with electricity.
  4. Franklin started a university in Philadelphia. He also started a lending library.
  5. Franklin helped draft the Declaration of Independence. He was also one of the signers of the peace treaty that in 1783 formally ended the American Revolution.
Exercise 27-)

The earliest known zoo was the Park of Intelligence in the province of Hunan. It was started by a Chinese ruler about 1150 B.C. Today, zoo facilities are limited and zookeepers cannot keep every animal on display year-round. In the winter, in colder climates, most birds must be brought indoors, but zookeepers cannot always keep each bird on view for the public. Many visitors are surprised to see that some animals remain outside all year. Penguins, polar bears, and timber wolves are happy outdoors in wintertime. Some animals are always indoors in nothern areas; reptiles and small desert animals always have indoor displays. Zookeepers must provide indoor shelters for large animals such as elephants. How large those shelters must be! Today zoologists understand much more about animal behavior and zoos are being designed that are similar to the animals' natural habitats. Viewers can closely observe animals at animal parks; animals roam free. Zoo kitchens keep a wide variety of foods and these are used to prepare meals that meet each animal's nutritional needs. Zoos contribute to wildlife conservation. They nurture species that are in danger of becoming extinct.

Exercise 28-)

 Chinese New Year is the biggest and most popular festival of all Chinese festivals. The Chinese New Year is an exciting and colorful holiday. It falls anywhere between January 21 and February 19. They parade through the streets and set off fireworks. People pay visits to their friends. They wish them luck and prosperity with a greeting that means "Happy greetings, and may you gather wealth." On the final day of the year preparations are made for a great New Year's Eve supper. All doors are sealed with paper strips and no one can leave or enter until the next morning. Businesses are closed in red envelopes. There is no wonder, they look forward to this festival.

  • Although Dave wanted to kiss her girlfriend, his mischievous friend blocked him. (Complex- Declarative)
  • Why did not he seek his right on the plane, while someone else was sitting in his seat? (Complex- Interrogative)
  • What a misfortune guy he is! (Simple- Exclamatory)
  • Dave put up with Dr. Buddy Rydell's laughter on the plane and he said nothing to him. (Compound- Declarative)
  • If you want to watch a wonderful comedy movie, watch the Anger Management. (Complex- Imperative)
  • How terrible thing being sentenced to Anger Management counseling with an aggressive instructor is. (Complex- Exclamatory)