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29 Aralık 2014 Pazartesi


Although the numbers of death caused in traffic accidents in the EU is going down, experts are still trying to find ways of reducing the number throughout the EU to around fatalities per year by 2010. Traffic safety is improving but experts believe that achieving the 2010 goal will prove difficult. Recent statistics show that in 2005 in the EU 41.600 people were killed in road accidents. Although progress has been made, most experts agree that this figure will have fallen to only around 32.000 by 2010, which means that the EU target will be missed by about 7.000. On the other hand, as the amount of traffic is increasing it is possible to argue that the situation is not as bad as it looks. However one interprets the statistics, it remains true that as times goes on.It is becoming harder and harder to reduce the figures especially accident-reduction schemes cost a lot of money. Many have tried and failed to reduce the number of accidents, and in the UK as a whole, only Sweden is pursuing the goal of zero accidents. Accident reduction is more difficult for newer  EU member who are currently facing very rapid growth in traffic and are having difficulty in building new roads and introducing safety measures at a fast enough rate. To complicate matters,  most new members have very little experience in dealing with the demands of heavy traffic. Experts suggest that any programme must also set about changing the way drivers behave. Despite what people often say it seems to be the younger generation that cause most accidents. In line with this research, many countries are introducing tougher driving tests, and are concentrating on the main causes of accidents; speed, reckless overtaking, alcohol, and over-confidence.


2) Hi everyone,

I'm having problems getting a new phone connection here, so instead of sending e-mails as usual, I'm actually sitting down to write a letter.I imagine you'll be surprised to get this as I've never been much of a letter-writer. I am putting the return address in big letters at the top, because to tell you the truth I am beginning to beginning to feel quite lonely here. Well, perhaps I don't mean that exactly. There are plenty of people for me to talk to. In fact, I am settling in to student life quite well, but I don't really know anyone yet. I've got a room in a house a long way from college, and I seem to spend a long time on the bus. A lot of students have cycle, so I'm trying to find a cheap bike. I'm also thinking of moving nearer to college when I find somewhere. Sorry- an interruption,  someone is knocking at the door. More later. Later. One of the girls downstairs is having a party, and I'm invited. And the phone line has been fixed, so I expect you'll get an e-mail from me very soon! In fact, I'm considering tearing up this letter, so just ignore everything I've said.


An extreme sport : Wingsuit Flying

 I want to introduce Wingsuit flying to you :) It is an extreme sport. People fly through the air with the help of wingsuit.  Wingsuit is first developed in the late 1990s and creates a square measure with fabric between the legs and arms. Wingsuit flight overs with a parachute opening at the sufficient altitude. In this video some people flying their body through the air using a wingsuit. I think people who fly are too courageous, because they jump from very-high places. They have fun while they are doing this sport regardless of  danger of death. It could be dangerous sometimes, since there are tragic crashes ending with deaths. Because of a sport, dying  is completely nonsense. Some people seek excitement in their life, but just for entertainment those crashes could be fatal. I chose this video  for sharing with you, because this sport is not so popular and I wanted to introduce it to you. But it does not mean I support this sport. In my opinion this sport is too hazardous and I do not do this sport. Since I am not dared enough to do it. I only like watching it, since I think that there is a magnificent view in the sky while a group of people flying in the sky. Moreover they are too fast, and athletes do not afraid of being fast and  crash into a mountain or something like that. Finally, I disapprove of this sport and I do not do Wingsuit. However, I cannot say that I do not like watching people flying in the air.



 I want to introduce Kayan people to you. They are a part of the Red Karen people. Because of a military coup in Burma, they moved to Thai. Their villages are visited by tourists, because their lifestyles get attention from people. Kayan women are notable for their dresses and neck rings. That rings extend woman’s neck. They are called ‘giraffe women’ by tourists.  Women start to wear that rings at the age of five years old. Every year a woman wears a new ring. Anthropologists think that rings make women less attractive to other tribes and protect them become a slave.  On the other hand, some people think that women who have more slender necks look more sexual. But in the last years women began to breaking the tradition of wearing rings since they want to protest against traditions and restrictions. However in remote villages, girls are still wearing rings. This tribe has gained popularity and attracted many tourists. Apart from that information about Kayan people, I want to tell why I chose this topic. I saw them in a TV show and they attracted my intention. They are too different from modern culture. Their traditions may be interesting, but not a good thing for women. If a woman wants to remove the rings which she wore in the past, it could break her neck. Consequently, today we should set aside that type of detrimental traditions. We can have some traditions, but they should be good and entertaining for us.

Page 169 Exercises 4-5


a) As it was a public holiday, there was a lot of traffic on the roads. (being)
    It being a public holiday,there was...
b) When I opened the letter, I realized  it was from professor Alton. (on)
    On opening the letter, I realized...
c) The palace was destroyed by fire during the war but later reconstructed. (though)
    Though destroyed by fire during the war...
d) As Carol walked from the room, tears streamed from her eyes. (streaming)
    Carol walked from the room, tears streaming from her eyes.
e) I broke the camera as I tried to remove the memory card. (in)
    In trying to remove the...
f) My hair has become soft and shining since I've used Glosso shampoo. (using)
    Since using Glosso shampoo, my hair...
g) Jan was taken to hospital after she was knocked down by a car. (being)
    Jan was taken to hospital after being knocked down...
h) After he had been shown to his room, George lay down on the bed and slept. (having)
    Having been shown to his room, George...


Restoring the sight of people blinded by macular degeneration, a condition of the eye, could start within five years, according to a British team developing human eye stem cell implants. More than 500.000 people in the UK have blindness caused by macular degeneration, a disease marked by a loss of central vision due to degeneration of the macula, a spot at the back of the eye. Having been given almost €4 million towards the cost of developing a stem cell therapy  by an anonymous  philanthropist, a team from two British universities are starting to conduct trials. Commenting on the project, a spokesman for the team told us affecting up to one third of the population, this condition is a major cause of blindness,  so a new kind of treatment is vital. In previous operations, having transplanted tissue from patient's own eye, we have seen about %25 of patients report improvement. However, creating new eye cells grown in the laboratory from human embryos will be much more effective.  

28 Aralık 2014 Pazar

 Pages 168 Exercises: 1-3

1) a)Not knowing the way, I got lost several times.    (True)
    b)After leaving the room,the telephone rang. (After I had left...)
    c)Having lost my money,the conductor wouldn't give me a ticket. ( As I had lost...)
   d)While falling asleep, there was a loud knock at the front door. (While I was falling asleep..)
   e)By forcing open the window, I was able to get into the house.   (True)
   f) Not wishing to be a nuisance, I left as early as I could. ( True)
  g)Having opened the box,it turned out to be empty. (When I opened the box...)
  h)Though feeling tired,Helen went out clubbing with her friends (True)
  i)Having asked my name, I was taken to meet the prime minister.  (After I had been asked for my name...)
  j) On arriving at the station, the train had already left.   (When I arrived at...)

2) a) Although feeling dizzy, Sarah managed to play on until the end of the match.
    b)Being a powerful swimmer, George reached the island in less than an hour.
    c)Without waiting for a reply, the mysterious stranger vanished into the night.
    d)It being a Friday, everyone in the office was in a good  mood.
    e)While walking across the field, Kita noticed something glittering by the path.
    f)Abandoned by its owner, the old dog sat by the side of the road.
   g)Though shocked by what he had seen, Martin tried to keep calm.
   h)There being no chance of escape, the two man gave themselves up to police.
   i)If using a fan-assisted oven, reduce cooking time by half an hour.
   j)By signing your name here, you agree to the conditions listed below.

3) Located near the equator, the Galapagos islands are a group of islands of the coast of  Ecuador. Discovered by Spanish colonists in 1535, and first shown on maps in about 1570, the islands were rarely visited being a haven for pirates. Having developed their own specializations and escaped the attentions of predators common elsewhere, the Galapagos species had became unique and unafraid for people. Passing ships hunted seals giant tortoises. Once captured  the tortoises were kept alive on ships  for long periods and later eaten. After facing near extinction, few of these creatures remain today, visited by the naturalist  Charles Darwin in 1835, the islands still have a close association with Darwinian theory. Being the home to many species isolated from the main island. Finding later that birds which differed from island to island were in fact the same species, Darwin used evidence from the Galapagos in the development of his theory of natural selection. Now, protected as part of a national park, the island are popular with 'eco-tourists'. Efforts are continuing to save their wildlife.

23 Aralık 2014 Salı

 Reflection Task 1b

      Yavuz Çetin was born in 1970 in Samsun.Due to her father's being a journalist he spent his childhood in various regions of Turkey. His interest in music began at an early age and at first he played "curaa". His interest in the musical instruments after "cura" continued with start learning "bağlama". He just listened to music for a while and admired  the electric guştar sound during that time. First, he met with an acoustic guitar in 1985, then continued to work with Hasan Cihad Örter electric guitar. When he was 17 years old, with the transition to a professional music career, he survived by working in Turkey's southern regions and İstanbul. He received his education about music which he loved a lot. He did not graduate from university because of music studies. He put together a band ,which included his friends, Batu Mutlugil, Zafer Şanlı and Kerim Çaplı. Their bands name was Blue Blues Band known as a cover band. Having married in 1992, Yavuz Çetin and his wife filed for divorce four years later. In 1996, and for the remaining four years of his life, he was also a guitaris at the numerous concerts played by the noted band Mazhar- Fuat- Özkan. He colloborated,as well, on various albums with artists such as Teoman, Kıraç, Sibel Tüzün, Soner Arıca, Gksel and Deniz Arcak. In 1997, Yavuz çetin issued his first album "ilk" produced by his longtime compatriot Ercan Saatçi, but the album was unable to capture the spirit of that moment's public musical mood. The last time, he made a work of his own including lyrics, musics and arrangements with his second album "satılık". Unfortunately, he committed suicide because of deep depression before he released the album.